Five good reasons to file bankruptcy

Many people are stressed out by the prospect of filing bankruptcy. These feelings are often irrational. In actuality, bankruptcy usually provides an inexpensive, and not at all unpleasant solution to your financial woes.

Consider the following:

  1. It is often nearly impossible to repay debt at high interest rates. Perhaps you owe $25,000 in credit card debt at 20%. That is $5,000 per year in interest alone. You could make payments of over $400 per month IN PERPETUITY, without reducing the balance of what you owe. Some Payday, auto title loans and other loans often have even higher interest rates.
  1. The only bad thing about bankruptcy is it can negatively impact your credit. However, this is usually temporary. Although the fact that you filed bankruptcy is a negative, the fact that you have a lot less debt is a positive. Many people wind up with higher credit scores in a reasonably short period of time.
  1. File bankruptcy is not unpleasant. It’s not like television. Most of the time it is not stressful or difficult in any way.
  1. Filing bankruptcy is not expensive. If you give me a call I will be happy to give you a quote. My fees are extremely competitive and reasonable.
  1. You will get immediately relief as soon as you hire an attorney. You can pay the attorney fees in affordable installments. As soon as you retain me you can give my name and number to your creditors. They will call me to confirm you representation and then almost always stop calling you. This is because it is unethical to contact a party that has retained an attorney, and because the lender will not want to waste time on your case if they are not going to be paid anyway.

In short, most of the time filing bankruptcy provides a completely sensible solution to your problems. Please call me so we can discuss your specific situation.


August Bullock
(530) 961-3182